Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Welcome To The Lavender Forest Hitty Blog!

Hello, I'm Pepper Hitty. I just moved into Lavender Forest today! I'm so excited to be here, I decided to write down everything that happens to me in my journal. One day I would love to write a book and be a famous author. Maybe one day I will. I hope you enjoy this adventure with me and I meet many new friends along the way.

Warm Regards,
Hitty Pepper


  1. Welcome Hitty Pepper, your Lavender Forest looks beautiful!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I love your Basket that you ride in with your human, she takes you to some really cool places.
      Hitty Pepper

  2. Welcome Hitty Pepper. So lovely to have another blog to read :-)

  3. Thank you for reading my blog!
    Hitty Pepper
