Saturday, October 5, 2019

 Oh what fun we are having with The Fairy Doll Story book. We just finished the first story about the doll house and wow!

We all had to have a little talk about fire in the dollhouse after that. Hitty Pepper really loved the feather duster that Birdie used, so we asked Hitty Diane to help out, she dug and dug for feathers then remembered that Lavender forest has a bunch of feathers outside, Mr. Barry's chickens will do just nicely.

Hitty Diane picked up some from the grass where her favorite rooster a black fluffy cochin runs free each day, she found some very fluffy feathers that made a perfect feather duster for Hitty Pepper. Little Lucy was very excited to give it a try.

Hitty Pepper helping out.

Hitty Diane finished the feather duster with some glue and string.
Hitty Pepper showing Little Lucy her new feather duster.

Hitty Pepper and Hitty Violet with the feather duster in front of the book they have been reading together. The Fairy Doll and other tales from the Dolls house by Rumer Godden.